Ink and Watercolour
A selection of ink and watercolour illustrations.

A Quiet Night With Friends
I find moments of queer connection in the disco ball flashes and bass thumps of a party, where it doesn’t matter whether you’re dancing with strangers or friends. In this ongoing series, I look for moments in a party that tell a story, elicit a vibe, or capture a sense of (sometimes quiet) joy amidst the chaotic action of a night out. My mantra for this series is from Andrew Holleran’s 1978 queer classic Dancer from the Dance: “ Now of all the bonds between homosexual friends, none was greater than that between friends who danced together.”

Hold Onto That Ticket
Often at the end of a party, the only photo on my phone is the one I took of my ticket or coat check number so I don’t lose it. I noticed others around me also doing this and so this ongoing series celebrates those tickets as remnants of the start of a night out, however hazy it might get from there.

Hanlan's Beach Coming/Going
Ink on watercolour of the path coming to Hanlan's Beach in Toronto and then going from the beach. 2024.

Hanlan's Beach Snapshots
A series of four illustrations capturing scenes at Hanlan's Beach, 2024.

Taco Night
Drawings done in Mexico City, February 2024.

Street Scenes
Snapshots of city life from Mexico City and Toronto.