Writing and comics
My writing and comics have appeared in The New Quarterly, Toronto Star, Globe and Mail, Electric Literature, Maisonneuve, Spacing, and more. My essay, "Desire Lines", was included within the 2017 Toronto Book Award-nominated collection Any Other Way: How Toronto Got Queer.
Short story published in February 2024 in Broken Pencil Magazine #101
String Theory
Short story published in The New Quarterly, Issue 167. Summer 2023.
The Power of Negative Thinking
Comic published in Maisonneuve Magazine.
Why writing in a journal is like Marie Kondo for the mind
Essay published in Toronto Star.
Desire Lines
Essay published in the book Any Other Way: How Toronto Got Queer
Why I can't stop reading self-help books
Essay published in Electric Literature.
Fiction published in Maisonneuve Magazine
The man's guide to growing a beard
Essay published in The Globe and Mail